The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

Synopsys Security Scan

step([$class: 'SecurityScanFreestyle']): Synopsys Security Scan

  • bitbucket_token : String (optional)
  • bitbucket_username : String (optional)
  • blackduck_args : String (optional)
    Additional Black Duck Arguments separated by space.
  • blackduck_config_path : String (optional)
    Black Duck config file path (.properties/.yml).
  • blackduck_download_url : String (optional)
    Specify Black Duck download URL
  • blackduck_execution_path : String (optional)
  • blackduck_install_directory : String (optional)
  • blackduck_project_directory : String (optional)
    The project source directory. Defaults to the repository root directory. Set this to specify a custom folder that is other than repository root
  • blackduck_reports_sarif_create : boolean (optional)
    SARIF report will be uploaded as a Jenkins Archive Artifact.
  • blackduck_reports_sarif_file_path : String (optional)
    File path (including file name) where SARIF report is created.
  • blackduck_reports_sarif_groupSCAIssues : boolean (optional)
    Uncheck this to disable grouping by component and list SCA issues by vulnerability.
  • blackduck_reports_sarif_severities : String (optional)
    Comma separated list of issue severities to include in SARIF report. Supported values: CRITICAL,HIGH,MEDIUM,LOW
  • blackduck_scan_failure_severities : String (optional)
    Specify scan failure severities of Black Duck. Supported values: ALL, NONE, BLOCKER, CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR, OK, TRIVIAL, UNSPECIFIED
  • blackduck_scan_full : boolean (optional)
    Specifies whether full scan is required or not. Supported values: true or false
  • blackduck_search_depth : int (optional)
    Number indicating the search depth in the source directory.
  • blackduck_token : String (optional)
  • blackduck_url : String (optional)
  • blackduck_waitForScan : boolean (optional)
    Specifies if the workflow should wait for the analysis to complete. Default value: true. If set to false, post merge workflows like PR comment, Fix PR, SARIF etc will not be applicable.
  • coverity_args : String (optional)
    Additional Coverity Arguments separated by space.
  • coverity_build_command : String (optional)
    Comma separated list of build command for Coverity.
  • coverity_clean_command : String (optional)
    Comma separated list of clean command for Coverity.
  • coverity_config_path : String (optional)
    Coverity config file path (.yaml/.yml/.json).
  • coverity_execution_path : String (optional)
  • coverity_install_directory : String (optional)
  • coverity_local : boolean (optional)
    Coverity Local Analysis. Supported values: true or false
  • coverity_passphrase : String (optional)
  • coverity_policy_view : String (optional)
    ID number/Name of a saved view to apply as a 'break the build' policy
  • coverity_project_directory : String (optional)
    The project source directory. Defaults to the repository root directory. Set this to specify a custom folder that is other than repository root
  • coverity_project_name : String (optional)
    The project name in Coverity is optional for multi-branch pipeline jobs, but it is mandatory for freestyle and pipeline jobs.
  • coverity_stream_name : String (optional)
    The stream name in Coverity is optional for multi-branch pipeline jobs, but it is mandatory for freestyle and pipeline jobs.
  • coverity_url : String (optional)
  • coverity_user : String (optional)
  • coverity_version : String (optional)
    Specific Coverity version to download, rather than opting for the latest version
  • coverity_waitForScan : boolean (optional)
    Specifies if the workflow should wait for the analysis to complete. Default value: true. If set to false, post merge workflows like PR comment, Fix PR, SARIF etc will not be applicable.
  • github_token : String (optional)
  • gitlab_token : String (optional)
  • include_diagnostics : boolean (optional)
    Bridge diagnostics will be uploaded in Jenkins Archive Artifact. Supported values: true or false
  • mark_build_status : String (optional)
    Specify the build status to use if policy violating issues are found. Default value: FAILURE. Supported values: FAILURE, UNSTABLE, SUCCESS
  • network_airgap : boolean (optional)
    Network airgap. Supported values: true or false
  • polaris_access_token : String (optional)
  • polaris_application_name : String (optional)
    Application name created in the Polaris server
  • polaris_assessment_mode : String (optional)
    The test mode type of this scan. Supported values: CI or SOURCE_UPLOAD
  • polaris_assessment_types : String (optional)
    Polaris assessment types. Supported values: SCA or SAST or both SCA, SAST
  • polaris_branch_name : String (optional)
    Branch name in the Polaris Server
  • polaris_branch_parent_name : String (optional)
  • polaris_prComment_severities : String (optional)
  • polaris_project_directory : String (optional)
    The project source directory. Defaults to the repository root directory. Set this to specify a custom folder that is other than repository root
  • polaris_project_name : String (optional)
    Project name created in the Polaris server
  • polaris_reports_sarif_create : boolean (optional)
    SARIF report will be uploaded as a Jenkins Archive Artifact.
  • polaris_reports_sarif_file_path : String (optional)
    File path (including file name) where SARIF report is created.
  • polaris_reports_sarif_groupSCAIssues : boolean (optional)
    Uncheck this to disable grouping by component and list SCA issues by vulnerability.
  • polaris_reports_sarif_issue_types : String (optional)
    Comma separated list of issues types to include in SARIF report. Supported values: SAST, SCA
  • polaris_reports_sarif_severities : String (optional)
    Comma separated list of issue severities to include in SARIF report. Supported values: CRITICAL,HIGH,MEDIUM,LOW
  • polaris_sast_args : String (optional)
    Additional Coverity Arguments separated by space.
  • polaris_sast_build_command : String (optional)
    Comma separated list of build command for Coverity.
  • polaris_sast_clean_command : String (optional)
    Comma separated list of clean command for Coverity.
  • polaris_sast_config_path : String (optional)
    Coverity config file path (.yaml/.yml/.json).
  • polaris_sca_args : String (optional)
    Additional Black Duck Arguments separated by space.
  • polaris_sca_config_path : String (optional)
    Black Duck config file path(.properties/.yml).
  • polaris_sca_search_depth : int (optional)
    Number indicating the search depth in the source directory.
  • polaris_server_url : String (optional)
  • polaris_test_sca_type : String (optional)
    Polaris test type to trigger signature scan or package manager scan. Default value: SCA-PACKAGE. Supported values: SCA-PACKAGE or SCA-SIGNATURE
  • polaris_triage : String (optional)
    Polaris Triage. Supported values: REQUIRED or NOT_REQUIRED or NOT_ENTITLED
  • polaris_waitForScan : boolean (optional)
    Specifies if the workflow should wait for the analysis to complete. Default value: true. If set to false, post merge workflows like PR comment, Fix PR, SARIF etc will not be applicable.
  • product : String (optional)
    Please select the synopsys security product. Supported products are Black Duck, Coverity and Polaris
  • project_directory : String (optional)
  • project_source_archive : String (optional)
    The zipped source file path. It overrides the project directory setting above
  • project_source_excludes : String (optional)
    A list of git ignore pattern strings that indicate the files need to be excluded from the zip file
  • project_source_preserveSymLinks : boolean (optional)
    Flag indicating whether to preserve symlinks in the source zip
  • srm_apikey : String (optional)
  • srm_assessment_types : String (optional)
    SRM assessment types. Supported values: SCA or SAST or both SCA, SAST
  • srm_branch_name : String (optional)
    Branch name in SRM server.
  • srm_branch_parent : String (optional)
    Parent Branch name in SRM server.
  • srm_project_directory : String (optional)
    The project source directory. Defaults to the repository root directory. Set this to specify a custom folder that is other than repository root
  • srm_project_id : String (optional)
    Project ID in SRM server.
  • srm_project_name : String (optional)
    Project name in SRM server.
  • srm_sast_args : String (optional)
    Additional Coverity Arguments separated by space.
  • srm_sast_build_command : String (optional)
    Comma separated list of build command for Coverity.
  • srm_sast_clean_command : String (optional)
    Comma separated list of clean command for Coverity.
  • srm_sast_config_path : String (optional)
    Coverity config file path (.yaml/.yml/.json).
  • srm_sca_args : String (optional)
    Additional Black Duck Arguments separated by space.
  • srm_sca_config_path : String (optional)
    Black Duck config file path(.properties/.yml).
  • srm_sca_search_depth : int (optional)
    Number indicating the search depth in the source directory.
  • srm_url : String (optional)
  • srm_waitForScan : boolean (optional)
    Specifies if the workflow should wait for the analysis to complete. Default value: true. If set to false, post merge workflows like PR comment, Fix PR, SARIF etc will not be applicable.
  • synopsys_bridge_download_url : String (optional)
  • synopsys_bridge_download_version : String (optional)
  • synopsys_bridge_install_directory : String (optional)

synopsys_scan: Synopsys Security Scan

  • bitbucket_token : String (optional)
  • bitbucket_username : String (optional)
  • blackduck_args : String (optional)
    Additional Black Duck Arguments separated by space.
  • blackduck_automation_prcomment : boolean (optional)
    Add automatic pull request comment based on Black Duck scan result. Supported values: true or false
  • blackduck_config_path : String (optional)
    Black Duck config file path (.properties/.yml).
  • blackduck_download_url : String (optional)
    Specify Black Duck download URL
  • blackduck_execution_path : String (optional)
  • blackduck_install_directory : String (optional)
  • blackduck_prComment_enabled : boolean (optional)
  • blackduck_project_directory : String (optional)
    The project source directory. Defaults to the repository root directory. Set this to specify a custom folder that is other than repository root
  • blackduck_reports_sarif_create : boolean (optional)
    SARIF report will be uploaded as a Jenkins Archive Artifact.
  • blackduck_reports_sarif_file_path : String (optional)
    File path (including file name) where SARIF report is created.
  • blackduck_reports_sarif_groupSCAIssues : boolean (optional)
    Uncheck this to disable grouping by component and list SCA issues by vulnerability.
  • blackduck_reports_sarif_severities : String (optional)
    Comma separated list of issue severities to include in SARIF report. Supported values: CRITICAL,HIGH,MEDIUM,LOW
  • blackduck_scan_failure_severities : String (optional)
    Specify scan failure severities of Black Duck. Supported values: ALL, NONE, BLOCKER, CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR, OK, TRIVIAL, UNSPECIFIED
  • blackduck_scan_full : boolean (optional)
    Specifies whether full scan is required or not. Supported values: true or false
  • blackduck_search_depth : int (optional)
    Number indicating the search depth in the source directory.
  • blackduck_token : String (optional)
  • blackduck_url : String (optional)
  • blackduck_waitForScan : boolean (optional)
    Specifies if the workflow should wait for the analysis to complete. Default value: true. If set to false, post merge workflows like PR comment, Fix PR, SARIF etc will not be applicable.
  • coverity_args : String (optional)
    Additional Coverity Arguments separated by space.
  • coverity_automation_prcomment : boolean (optional)
    Coverity security testing as pull request comment. Supported values: true or false
  • coverity_build_command : String (optional)
    Build command for Coverity.
  • coverity_clean_command : String (optional)
    Clean command for Coverity.
  • coverity_config_path : String (optional)
    Coverity config file path (.yaml/.yml/.json).
  • coverity_execution_path : String (optional)
  • coverity_install_directory : String (optional)
  • coverity_local : boolean (optional)
    Coverity Local Analysis. Supported values: true or false
  • coverity_passphrase : String (optional)
  • coverity_policy_view : String (optional)
    ID number/Name of a saved view to apply as a 'break the build' policy
  • coverity_prComment_enabled : boolean (optional)
  • coverity_project_directory : String (optional)
    The project source directory. Defaults to the repository root directory. Set this to specify a custom folder that is other than repository root
  • coverity_project_name : String (optional)
    The project name in Coverity is optional for multi-branch pipeline jobs, but it is mandatory for freestyle and pipeline jobs.
  • coverity_stream_name : String (optional)
    The stream name in Coverity is optional for multi-branch pipeline jobs, but it is mandatory for freestyle and pipeline jobs.
  • coverity_url : String (optional)
  • coverity_user : String (optional)
  • coverity_version : String (optional)
    Specific Coverity version to download, rather than opting for the latest version
  • coverity_waitForScan : boolean (optional)
    Specifies if the workflow should wait for the analysis to complete. Default value: true. If set to false, post merge workflows like PR comment, Fix PR, SARIF etc will not be applicable.
  • github_token : String (optional)
  • gitlab_token : String (optional)
  • include_diagnostics : boolean (optional)
    Bridge diagnostics will be uploaded in Jenkins Archive Artifact. Supported values: true or false
  • mark_build_status : String (optional)
    Specify the build status to use if policy violating issues are found. Default value: FAILURE. Supported values: FAILURE, UNSTABLE, SUCCESS
  • network_airgap : boolean (optional)
    Network airgap. Supported values: true or false
  • polaris_access_token : String (optional)
  • polaris_application_name : String (optional)
    Application name created in the Polaris server
  • polaris_assessment_mode : String (optional)
    The test mode type of this scan. Supported values: CI or SOURCE_UPLOAD
  • polaris_assessment_types : String (optional)
    Polaris assessment types. Supported values: SCA or SAST or both SCA, SAST
  • polaris_branch_name : String (optional)
    Branch name in the Polaris Server
  • polaris_branch_parent_name : String (optional)
    Parent branch name in the Polaris Server
  • polaris_prComment_enabled : boolean (optional)
    Add automatic pull request comment based on Polaris scan result. Supported values: true or false
  • polaris_prComment_severities : String (optional)
    Comma separated list of severities. Comments are created for issues where the issue severity matches one of the values specified using this option. Supported values: CRITICAL,HIGH,MEDIUM,LOW,INFORMATIONAL
  • polaris_project_directory : String (optional)
    The project source directory. Defaults to the repository root directory. Set this to specify a custom folder that is other than repository root
  • polaris_project_name : String (optional)
    Project name created in the Polaris server
  • polaris_reports_sarif_create : boolean (optional)
    SARIF report will be uploaded as a Jenkins Archive Artifact.
  • polaris_reports_sarif_file_path : String (optional)
    File path (including file name) where SARIF report is created.
  • polaris_reports_sarif_groupSCAIssues : boolean (optional)
    Uncheck this to disable grouping by component and list SCA issues by vulnerability.
  • polaris_reports_sarif_issue_types : String (optional)
    Comma separated list of issues types to include in SARIF report. Supported values: SAST, SCA
  • polaris_reports_sarif_severities : String (optional)
    Comma separated list of issue severities to include in SARIF report. Supported values: CRITICAL,HIGH,MEDIUM,LOW
  • polaris_server_url : String (optional)
  • polaris_test_sca_type : String (optional)
    Polaris test type to trigger signature scan or package manager scan. Default value: SCA-PACKAGE. Supported values: SCA-PACKAGE or SCA-SIGNATURE
  • polaris_triage : String (optional)
    Polaris Triage. Supported values: REQUIRED or NOT_REQUIRED or NOT_ENTITLED
  • polaris_waitForScan : boolean (optional)
    Specifies if the workflow should wait for the analysis to complete. Default value: true. If set to false, post merge workflows like PR comment, Fix PR, SARIF etc will not be applicable.
  • product : String (optional)
    Please select the synopsys security product. Supported products are Black Duck, Coverity and Polaris
  • project_directory : String (optional)
  • project_source_archive : String (optional)
    The zipped source file path. It overrides the project directory setting above
  • project_source_excludes : String (optional)
    A list of git ignore pattern strings that indicate the files need to be excluded from the zip file
  • project_source_preserveSymLinks : boolean (optional)
    Flag indicating whether to preserve symlinks in the source zip
  • return_status : boolean (optional)
    If true (checked), returns the status code of the Synopsys Security Scan instead of failing the workflow. Supported values: true or false
  • srm_apikey : String (optional)
  • srm_assessment_types : String (optional)
    SRM assessment types. Supported values: SCA or SAST or both SCA, SAST
  • srm_branch_name : String (optional)
    Branch name in SRM server.
  • srm_branch_parent : String (optional)
    Parent Branch name in SRM server.
  • srm_project_directory : String (optional)
    The project source directory. Defaults to the repository root directory. Set this to specify a custom folder that is other than repository root
  • srm_project_id : String (optional)
    Project ID in SRM server.
  • srm_project_name : String (optional)
    Project name in SRM server.
  • srm_url : String (optional)
  • srm_waitForScan : boolean (optional)
    Specifies if the workflow should wait for the analysis to complete. Default value: true. If set to false, post merge workflows like PR comment, Fix PR, SARIF etc will not be applicable.
  • synopsys_bridge_download_url : String (optional)
  • synopsys_bridge_download_version : String (optional)
  • synopsys_bridge_install_directory : String (optional)

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