The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

P4 Plugin

p4: P4 Groovy

  • credential : String
  • workspace
      Nested Choice of Objects
    • manualSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • name : String
        Workspace name

        Specify the name of the Perforce workspace to be used as the Jenkins build workspace. If the workspace does not yet exist, the configuration will be saved in Jenkins; the workspace is created only when it is to be used. If the workspace exists and you are connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list suitable workspaces; updates are only applied when the workspace is used.

      • spec
          Nested Object
        • allwrite : boolean
        • clobber : boolean
        • compress : boolean
        • locked : boolean
        • modtime : boolean
        • rmdir : boolean
        • streamName : String
        • line : String
          Line Endings

          Set line-ending character(s) for client text files.

          • UNIX

            linefeed: UNIX style.

          • MAC

            carriage return: Macintosh style. (obsolete)

          • WIN

            carriage return-linefeed: Windows style.

          • SHARE

            hybrid: writes UNIX style but reads UNIX, Mac or Windows style.

        • view : String

          Lines to map depot files into the client workspace.

          The variable ${P4_CLIENT} will expand to the client name, for example, a simple mapping:

          //depot/... //${P4_CLIENT}/...

          Maps files in the depot to files in your client workspace. Defines the files that you want in your client workspace and specifies where you want them to reside. The default view maps all depot files onto the client. See 'p4 help views' for view syntax. A new view takes effect on the next 'p4 sync'.

          To support migration from the old Perforce plugin, a View Mapping can be inserted from a file in Perforce. Add the depot path to the "View Mappings" field Prefix "@" (this only applies to the "Manual" Workspace behaviour).

        • changeView : String
        • type : String

          Type of client: writeable/readonly/partitioned/graph

          By default all clients are 'writeable', certain clients are short lived and perform long sync and build cycles. Over time these build clients can fragment the 'db.have' table which is used to track what files a client has synced. Setting a type of 'readonly' gives the client its own personal 'db.have' database table. A 'readonly' client cannot 'edit' or 'submit' files, however for build automation this is not usually a requirement and the performance tradeoff is worth considering if your build automation is causing issues with the 'db.have' table. This option requires that an administrator has first configured the 'client.readonly.dir' setting. If it is necessary to submit changes as part of your build, you may specify a 'partitioned' client: like a 'reaonly' client, this type also has a separate 'db.have' table under the 'client.readonly.dir' directory, but allows journalled 'edit' and 'submit' of files.

        • serverID : String
        • backup : boolean

          Client's participation in backup enable/disable. If not specified backup of a writable client defaults to enabled.

        • streamAtChange : String (optional)
          Stream at change

          When specified, the client view is generated from the stream specification version at or before the change number.

      • cleanup : boolean
      • syncID : String (optional)
    • specFileSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • name : String
        An existing workspace

        Specify the name of the Perforce workspace to be used as the Jenkins build workspace. If the workspace does not yet exist, the configuration will be saved in Jenkins; the workspace is created only when it is to be used. If the workspace exists and you are connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list suitable workspaces; updates are only applied when the workspace is used.

      • specPath : String
      • syncID : String (optional)
    • staticSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • name : String
        An existing workspace

        Specify the name of an existing workspace in Perforce to be used as the Jenkins build workspace. If connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list suitable workspaces

      • syncID : String (optional)
    • streamSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • streamName : String
        Stream codeline

        Specify the full Perforce depot path for the given stream. If connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list possible streams.

        For example: //stream-depot/main-stream
      • format : String
        Workspace name formatter

        Jenklin slave nodes must each use a unique Perforce workspace. The format string configures the workspace name by substituting the specified variables: (at least one variable must be used)

        Variables can be taken from the Jenkins Environment or Parameterized builds

      • streamAtChange : String (optional)
        Stream at change

        When specified, the client view is generated from the stream specification version at or before the change number.

      • syncID : String (optional)
    • templateSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • templateName : String
        Templace workspace

        Specify the name of an existing workspace in Perforce used to create or update a Jenkins build workspace. If connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list suitable workspaces

      • format : String
        Workspace name formatter

        Jenklin slave nodes must each use a unique Perforce workspace. The format string configures the workspace name by substituting the specified variables: (at least one variable must be used)

        Variables can be taken from the Jenkins Environment or Parameterized builds

      • syncID : String (optional)

p4SwarmUpdate: P4 Swarm Update

  • updateMessage : String

p4approve: P4 ApproveImpl Review

  • credential : String
  • review : String
  • status : String
  • description : String (optional)

p4publish: P4 Publish

  • credential : String
  • workspace
      Nested Choice of Objects
    • manualSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • name : String
        Workspace name

        Specify the name of the Perforce workspace to be used as the Jenkins build workspace. If the workspace does not yet exist, the configuration will be saved in Jenkins; the workspace is created only when it is to be used. If the workspace exists and you are connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list suitable workspaces; updates are only applied when the workspace is used.

      • spec
          Nested Object
        • allwrite : boolean
        • clobber : boolean
        • compress : boolean
        • locked : boolean
        • modtime : boolean
        • rmdir : boolean
        • streamName : String
        • line : String
          Line Endings

          Set line-ending character(s) for client text files.

          • UNIX

            linefeed: UNIX style.

          • MAC

            carriage return: Macintosh style. (obsolete)

          • WIN

            carriage return-linefeed: Windows style.

          • SHARE

            hybrid: writes UNIX style but reads UNIX, Mac or Windows style.

        • view : String

          Lines to map depot files into the client workspace.

          The variable ${P4_CLIENT} will expand to the client name, for example, a simple mapping:

          //depot/... //${P4_CLIENT}/...

          Maps files in the depot to files in your client workspace. Defines the files that you want in your client workspace and specifies where you want them to reside. The default view maps all depot files onto the client. See 'p4 help views' for view syntax. A new view takes effect on the next 'p4 sync'.

          To support migration from the old Perforce plugin, a View Mapping can be inserted from a file in Perforce. Add the depot path to the "View Mappings" field Prefix "@" (this only applies to the "Manual" Workspace behaviour).

        • changeView : String
        • type : String

          Type of client: writeable/readonly/partitioned/graph

          By default all clients are 'writeable', certain clients are short lived and perform long sync and build cycles. Over time these build clients can fragment the 'db.have' table which is used to track what files a client has synced. Setting a type of 'readonly' gives the client its own personal 'db.have' database table. A 'readonly' client cannot 'edit' or 'submit' files, however for build automation this is not usually a requirement and the performance tradeoff is worth considering if your build automation is causing issues with the 'db.have' table. This option requires that an administrator has first configured the 'client.readonly.dir' setting. If it is necessary to submit changes as part of your build, you may specify a 'partitioned' client: like a 'reaonly' client, this type also has a separate 'db.have' table under the 'client.readonly.dir' directory, but allows journalled 'edit' and 'submit' of files.

        • serverID : String
        • backup : boolean

          Client's participation in backup enable/disable. If not specified backup of a writable client defaults to enabled.

        • streamAtChange : String (optional)
          Stream at change

          When specified, the client view is generated from the stream specification version at or before the change number.

      • cleanup : boolean
      • syncID : String (optional)
    • specFileSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • name : String
        An existing workspace

        Specify the name of the Perforce workspace to be used as the Jenkins build workspace. If the workspace does not yet exist, the configuration will be saved in Jenkins; the workspace is created only when it is to be used. If the workspace exists and you are connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list suitable workspaces; updates are only applied when the workspace is used.

      • specPath : String
      • syncID : String (optional)
    • staticSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • name : String
        An existing workspace

        Specify the name of an existing workspace in Perforce to be used as the Jenkins build workspace. If connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list suitable workspaces

      • syncID : String (optional)
    • streamSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • streamName : String
        Stream codeline

        Specify the full Perforce depot path for the given stream. If connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list possible streams.

        For example: //stream-depot/main-stream
      • format : String
        Workspace name formatter

        Jenklin slave nodes must each use a unique Perforce workspace. The format string configures the workspace name by substituting the specified variables: (at least one variable must be used)

        Variables can be taken from the Jenkins Environment or Parameterized builds

      • streamAtChange : String (optional)
        Stream at change

        When specified, the client view is generated from the stream specification version at or before the change number.

      • syncID : String (optional)
    • templateSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • templateName : String
        Templace workspace

        Specify the name of an existing workspace in Perforce used to create or update a Jenkins build workspace. If connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list suitable workspaces

      • format : String
        Workspace name formatter

        Jenklin slave nodes must each use a unique Perforce workspace. The format string configures the workspace name by substituting the specified variables: (at least one variable must be used)

        Variables can be taken from the Jenkins Environment or Parameterized builds

      • syncID : String (optional)
  • publish
      Nested Choice of Objects
    • shelve
      • description : String

        The change description used to shelve or submit the assets to Perforce. ${VAR} variables are expanded base on the system environment.

      • onlyOnSuccess : boolean
      • delete : boolean
      • modtime : boolean
      • revert : boolean

        Reverts open files in the pending changelist, but leaves the content in the workspace unchanged ('p4 revert -k')

      • paths : String (optional)
    • submit
      • description : String

        The change description used to shelve or submit the assets to Perforce. ${VAR} variables are expanded base on the system environment.

      • onlyOnSuccess : boolean
      • delete : boolean
      • modtime : boolean
      • reopen : boolean

        Submitted files are reopened, allowing subsequent modification.

      • purge : String

        The Perforce server only stores n number of revisions, where n is a number 1-10 or 16,32,64,128,256,512. Older revisions are then purged as new revisions are added.

      • paths : String (optional)

p4sync: P4 Sync

  • credential : String
  • changelog : boolean (optional)
    Enable or Disable 'Include in changelog':

    If 'Include in changelog' is enabled for an SCM source, then when a build occurs, the changes from that SCM source will be included in the changelog.

    If 'Include in changelog' is disabled, then when a build occurs, the changes from this SCM source will not be included in the changelog.

  • charset : String (optional)
  • depotPath : String (optional)
  • format : String (optional)
  • poll : boolean (optional)
    Enable or Disable 'Include in polling'

    If 'Include in polling' is enabled or 'Include in changelog' is enabled, then when polling occurs, the job will be started if changes are detected from this SCM source.

    If 'Include in polling' is disabled and 'Include in changelog' is disabled, then when polling occurs, changes that are detected from this repository will be ignored.

  • populate (optional)
      Nested Choice of Objects
    • autoClean
      • replace : boolean
        REPLACE missing/modified files

        Perforce will check out and overwrite any depot files which are either missing from workspace, or have been modified locally.

      • delete : boolean
        DELETE generated files

        Perforce will delete any local files that are not in the depot.

      • tidy : boolean
      • modtime : boolean
      • quiet : boolean
        Suppressing info messages

        Enables the -q flag for all applicable Perforce operations. Summary details will still be displayed.

      • pin : String
        Pinning a build at Perforce Label

        When a build is triggered by Polling, Build Now or an external Action, the workspace will sync only to the specified label. Any other specified change or label will be ignored.

        Supports variable expansion e.g. ${VAR}. If 'now' is used, or a variable that expands to 'now', then the latest change is used (within the scope of the workspace view).

      • parallel
          Nested Object
        • enable : boolean
        • path : String
        • threads : String
        • minfiles : String
        • minbytes : String
    • previewOnly
      • quiet : boolean
        Suppressing info messages

        Enables the -q flag for all applicable Perforce operations. Summary details will still be displayed.

      • pin : String
    • flushOnly
      • quiet : boolean
      • pin : String
        Pinning a build at Perforce Label

        When a build is triggered by Polling, Build Now or an external Action, the workspace will flush only to the specified label or changelist number. Any other specified change or label will be ignored.

        Supports variable expansion e.g. ${VAR}. If 'now' is used, or a variable that expands to 'now', then the latest change is used (within the scope of the workspace view).

    • forceClean
      • have : boolean
      • quiet : boolean
        Suppressing info messages

        Enables the -q flag for all applicable Perforce operations. Summary details will still be displayed.

      • pin : String
        Pinning a build at Perforce Label

        When a build is triggered by Polling, Build Now or an external Action, the workspace will sync only to the specified label. Any other specified change or label will be ignored.

        Supports variable expansion e.g. ${VAR}. If 'now' is used, or a variable that expands to 'now', then the latest change is used (within the scope of the workspace view).

      • parallel
          Nested Object
        • enable : boolean
        • path : String
        • threads : String
        • minfiles : String
        • minbytes : String
    • graphClean
      • quiet : boolean
        Suppressing info messages

        Enables the -q flag for all applicable Perforce operations. Summary details will still be displayed.

      • pin : String
        Pinning a build at Perforce Label

        When a build is triggered by Polling, Build Now or an external Action, the workspace will sync only to the specified label. Any other specified change or label will be ignored.

        Supports variable expansion e.g. ${VAR}. If 'now' is used, or a variable that expands to 'now', then the latest change is used (within the scope of the workspace view).

      • parallel
          Nested Object
        • enable : boolean
        • path : String
        • threads : String
        • minfiles : String
        • minbytes : String
    • syncOnly
      • revert : boolean
      • have : boolean
      • force : boolean
      • modtime : boolean
      • quiet : boolean
        Suppressing info messages

        Enables the -q flag for all applicable Perforce operations. Summary details will still be displayed.

      • pin : String
        Pinning a build at Perforce Label

        When a build is triggered by Polling, Build Now or an external Action, the workspace will sync only to the specified label. Any other specified change or label will be ignored.

        Supports variable expansion e.g. ${VAR}. If 'now' is used, or a variable that expands to 'now', then the latest change is used (within the scope of the workspace view).

      • parallel
          Nested Object
        • enable : boolean
        • path : String
        • threads : String
        • minfiles : String
        • minbytes : String
  • source (optional)
      Nested Choice of Objects
    • depotSource
      • depot : String

        List of one or more depot paths (separated by new lines)

        For example //depot/A/...



    • graphSource
      • graph : String
    • streamSource
      • stream : String
      • streamAtChange : String (optional)
        Stream at change

        When specified, the client view is generated from the stream specification version at or before the change number.

    • templateSource
      • template : String
  • stream : String (optional)
  • streamAtChange : String (optional)
  • template : String (optional)
  • workspace (optional)
      Nested Choice of Objects
    • manualSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • name : String
        Workspace name

        Specify the name of the Perforce workspace to be used as the Jenkins build workspace. If the workspace does not yet exist, the configuration will be saved in Jenkins; the workspace is created only when it is to be used. If the workspace exists and you are connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list suitable workspaces; updates are only applied when the workspace is used.

      • spec
          Nested Object
        • allwrite : boolean
        • clobber : boolean
        • compress : boolean
        • locked : boolean
        • modtime : boolean
        • rmdir : boolean
        • streamName : String
        • line : String
          Line Endings

          Set line-ending character(s) for client text files.

          • UNIX

            linefeed: UNIX style.

          • MAC

            carriage return: Macintosh style. (obsolete)

          • WIN

            carriage return-linefeed: Windows style.

          • SHARE

            hybrid: writes UNIX style but reads UNIX, Mac or Windows style.

        • view : String

          Lines to map depot files into the client workspace.

          The variable ${P4_CLIENT} will expand to the client name, for example, a simple mapping:

          //depot/... //${P4_CLIENT}/...

          Maps files in the depot to files in your client workspace. Defines the files that you want in your client workspace and specifies where you want them to reside. The default view maps all depot files onto the client. See 'p4 help views' for view syntax. A new view takes effect on the next 'p4 sync'.

          To support migration from the old Perforce plugin, a View Mapping can be inserted from a file in Perforce. Add the depot path to the "View Mappings" field Prefix "@" (this only applies to the "Manual" Workspace behaviour).

        • changeView : String
        • type : String

          Type of client: writeable/readonly/partitioned/graph

          By default all clients are 'writeable', certain clients are short lived and perform long sync and build cycles. Over time these build clients can fragment the 'db.have' table which is used to track what files a client has synced. Setting a type of 'readonly' gives the client its own personal 'db.have' database table. A 'readonly' client cannot 'edit' or 'submit' files, however for build automation this is not usually a requirement and the performance tradeoff is worth considering if your build automation is causing issues with the 'db.have' table. This option requires that an administrator has first configured the 'client.readonly.dir' setting. If it is necessary to submit changes as part of your build, you may specify a 'partitioned' client: like a 'reaonly' client, this type also has a separate 'db.have' table under the 'client.readonly.dir' directory, but allows journalled 'edit' and 'submit' of files.

        • serverID : String
        • backup : boolean

          Client's participation in backup enable/disable. If not specified backup of a writable client defaults to enabled.

        • streamAtChange : String (optional)
          Stream at change

          When specified, the client view is generated from the stream specification version at or before the change number.

      • cleanup : boolean
      • syncID : String (optional)
    • specFileSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • name : String
        An existing workspace

        Specify the name of the Perforce workspace to be used as the Jenkins build workspace. If the workspace does not yet exist, the configuration will be saved in Jenkins; the workspace is created only when it is to be used. If the workspace exists and you are connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list suitable workspaces; updates are only applied when the workspace is used.

      • specPath : String
      • syncID : String (optional)
    • staticSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • name : String
        An existing workspace

        Specify the name of an existing workspace in Perforce to be used as the Jenkins build workspace. If connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list suitable workspaces

      • syncID : String (optional)
    • streamSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • streamName : String
        Stream codeline

        Specify the full Perforce depot path for the given stream. If connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list possible streams.

        For example: //stream-depot/main-stream
      • format : String
        Workspace name formatter

        Jenklin slave nodes must each use a unique Perforce workspace. The format string configures the workspace name by substituting the specified variables: (at least one variable must be used)

        Variables can be taken from the Jenkins Environment or Parameterized builds

      • streamAtChange : String (optional)
        Stream at change

        When specified, the client view is generated from the stream specification version at or before the change number.

      • syncID : String (optional)
    • templateSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • templateName : String
        Templace workspace

        Specify the name of an existing workspace in Perforce used to create or update a Jenkins build workspace. If connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list suitable workspaces

      • format : String
        Workspace name formatter

        Jenklin slave nodes must each use a unique Perforce workspace. The format string configures the workspace name by substituting the specified variables: (at least one variable must be used)

        Variables can be taken from the Jenkins Environment or Parameterized builds

      • syncID : String (optional)

p4tag: P4 Tag

  • rawLabelName : String
  • rawLabelDesc : String

p4unshelve: P4 Unshelve

  • credential : String
  • workspace
      Nested Choice of Objects
    • manualSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • name : String
        Workspace name

        Specify the name of the Perforce workspace to be used as the Jenkins build workspace. If the workspace does not yet exist, the configuration will be saved in Jenkins; the workspace is created only when it is to be used. If the workspace exists and you are connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list suitable workspaces; updates are only applied when the workspace is used.

      • spec
          Nested Object
        • allwrite : boolean
        • clobber : boolean
        • compress : boolean
        • locked : boolean
        • modtime : boolean
        • rmdir : boolean
        • streamName : String
        • line : String
          Line Endings

          Set line-ending character(s) for client text files.

          • UNIX

            linefeed: UNIX style.

          • MAC

            carriage return: Macintosh style. (obsolete)

          • WIN

            carriage return-linefeed: Windows style.

          • SHARE

            hybrid: writes UNIX style but reads UNIX, Mac or Windows style.

        • view : String

          Lines to map depot files into the client workspace.

          The variable ${P4_CLIENT} will expand to the client name, for example, a simple mapping:

          //depot/... //${P4_CLIENT}/...

          Maps files in the depot to files in your client workspace. Defines the files that you want in your client workspace and specifies where you want them to reside. The default view maps all depot files onto the client. See 'p4 help views' for view syntax. A new view takes effect on the next 'p4 sync'.

          To support migration from the old Perforce plugin, a View Mapping can be inserted from a file in Perforce. Add the depot path to the "View Mappings" field Prefix "@" (this only applies to the "Manual" Workspace behaviour).

        • changeView : String
        • type : String

          Type of client: writeable/readonly/partitioned/graph

          By default all clients are 'writeable', certain clients are short lived and perform long sync and build cycles. Over time these build clients can fragment the 'db.have' table which is used to track what files a client has synced. Setting a type of 'readonly' gives the client its own personal 'db.have' database table. A 'readonly' client cannot 'edit' or 'submit' files, however for build automation this is not usually a requirement and the performance tradeoff is worth considering if your build automation is causing issues with the 'db.have' table. This option requires that an administrator has first configured the 'client.readonly.dir' setting. If it is necessary to submit changes as part of your build, you may specify a 'partitioned' client: like a 'reaonly' client, this type also has a separate 'db.have' table under the 'client.readonly.dir' directory, but allows journalled 'edit' and 'submit' of files.

        • serverID : String
        • backup : boolean

          Client's participation in backup enable/disable. If not specified backup of a writable client defaults to enabled.

        • streamAtChange : String (optional)
          Stream at change

          When specified, the client view is generated from the stream specification version at or before the change number.

      • cleanup : boolean
      • syncID : String (optional)
    • specFileSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • name : String
        An existing workspace

        Specify the name of the Perforce workspace to be used as the Jenkins build workspace. If the workspace does not yet exist, the configuration will be saved in Jenkins; the workspace is created only when it is to be used. If the workspace exists and you are connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list suitable workspaces; updates are only applied when the workspace is used.

      • specPath : String
      • syncID : String (optional)
    • staticSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • name : String
        An existing workspace

        Specify the name of an existing workspace in Perforce to be used as the Jenkins build workspace. If connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list suitable workspaces

      • syncID : String (optional)
    • streamSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • streamName : String
        Stream codeline

        Specify the full Perforce depot path for the given stream. If connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list possible streams.

        For example: //stream-depot/main-stream
      • format : String
        Workspace name formatter

        Jenklin slave nodes must each use a unique Perforce workspace. The format string configures the workspace name by substituting the specified variables: (at least one variable must be used)

        Variables can be taken from the Jenkins Environment or Parameterized builds

      • streamAtChange : String (optional)
        Stream at change

        When specified, the client view is generated from the stream specification version at or before the change number.

      • syncID : String (optional)
    • templateSpec
      • charset : String

        The character set used by Jenkins when syncing files from the Perforce server. This should be set to 'none' unless connected to a Unicode enabled Perforce server.

      • pinHost : boolean
      • templateName : String
        Templace workspace

        Specify the name of an existing workspace in Perforce used to create or update a Jenkins build workspace. If connected to a Perforce server the auto-text fill should list suitable workspaces

      • format : String
        Workspace name formatter

        Jenklin slave nodes must each use a unique Perforce workspace. The format string configures the workspace name by substituting the specified variables: (at least one variable must be used)

        Variables can be taken from the Jenkins Environment or Parameterized builds

      • syncID : String (optional)
  • shelf : String
  • resolve : String
  • tidy : boolean
  • ignoreEmpty : boolean

cleanup: Perforce: Cleanup

  • deleteClient : boolean

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